Review of target images in the business units as part of the corporate strategy realignment 2025
Support for the establishment and dismantling of divisional business units
Analysis and application of strategic personnel planning with regard to job clusters along all business areas
Conceptual design of the personnel management implementation in compliance with the social partner premises
Development, coordination and introduction of a holistic project organization for the design and management of the overall transformation under the leadership of the CHRO
Design of necessary sub-projects and relevant stakeholders to achieve mutually agreeable milestones
Analysis and evaluation of target images(buildup/downsizing business areas) and personnel management instruments (downsizing, qualification, buildup)
Development of necessary instruments to manage the overall transformation (transformation process, communication, change measures, governance)
Definition of success-critical factors and milestones for the overall implementation of the transformation
Result / Output
Creation of transparency across all business areas based on the target images and build-up and wind-down measures over a four-year period
Identification of affected job clusters (approximately10,000 full-time employees).
Introduction of transformation governance to steer the overall project with the involvement of the social partners
Development and implementation of company-specific instruments to manage human resources implementation (downsizing, restructuring, build-up)
Supporting the transformation process, especially at the interface between business units and HR
The support of top management across business units is necessary
Early and valid instrument selection is indispensable (human resources management, control, governance)
Involving the social partners is critical to success
The concretization of the change and communication models is crucial for successful implementation
Implementation in small steps with communicable successes is more sustainable than implementation with a big bang solution
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